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  • "Alex can make you happy if you’re not and remind you of the good times you forgot....pure Texas entertainment"....Donna Powell, Texas Music Nation

    Alex’s authorized autobiography:

    OK, I admit it, I’m a late bloomer. The problem is that striving to be the world’s oldest teenager stunted my growth in other areas. It has taken years for my musical talent to develop into what it is today ……but what it is today is as good as many of those famous singer/songwriters you’ve heard of.

    It wasn’t because I didn’t get started early enough. I started playing in a folk band in High School…even made the year book. Then the coffee houses and college shows began to make me think I could make a career as a singer and musician. I had half of it right. I was a pretty good musician. Friends and family convinced me that I might starve to death if I tried to make it on my singing skills. My other passion, flying took over and I fed myself and family well for 30 years with that. I didn’t even slow down with the music or the performing though. It really got going when my two daughters Eleanor and Bonnie inherited the best music genes from me and my wife Marti, an extraordinary singer in the classical world. I highly recommend raising your own family band. In honing my daughters’ skills on stage, I polished mine also. My daughters have already surpassed me in name recognition around Texas playing with the likes of Slaid Cleaves and Susan Gibson, but I’m coming on strong, trying to keep up with them.

    The final pieces came together about 5 years ago when all those quiet prods from my wife/vocal coach and the songwriting skills finally started taking hold. I’m working on Cd number 5 now. I’ve also recorded and produced one for my daughter Bonnie Picking up Pieces that has made the ballot for the 2005 Grammy Awards in eight categories. My humorous and serious songs about Texas are being played around the world on radio stations that are not bound to the Clear Channel. It is a good feeling to have others like your songs and buy your recordings. There are plenty more people out there and I just need a chance to perform for them. I think I’m qualified now and I’m definitely ready.

    "…..while counting blessings we forget to count the ones that count"

    "A Song for Harleigh," by Alex Whitmore

    The CDs are available through Alex. You may reach him at or toll free by telephone at 1-877-MUSIC-90